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Ingredients (4 people)

  • 200 gr of beef sirloin
  • 1 yolk and 1 white of a boiled egg
  • 1/2 onion finely chopped
  • 100 gr of chopped capers
  • 1 raw egg yolk
  • 15 drops of Perrins sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Rye bread


First of all, prepare the mayonnaise by placing in a bowl the egg yolk, then add
the pepper (30 scrapers), salt, a tablespoon of mustad, 15 drops of Perrins
sauce, the onion, the egg white and the capers, in a proportionate way.

Then, mix everything, emulsifying everything with olive oil in order to create a
cream. When it is ready, set aside.

Cut the sirloin with a knife into small pieces and let it cool for some minutes.

Once the meat is cold, add the mayonnaise and mix it all carefully with a
spoon. After the mix is ready, reserve it until the moment of serving the dish.

Toast the slices of rye bread that will give the crunchy to the steak tartare



Once the bread is toasted, put it on a plate and add a portion of steak tartare
over it.